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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Gribetz, Aryeh, "Kamah ha-ʿarot shel al-ʿUmari ʿal ha-Franḳim." In ha-Tsalvanim be-mamlakhtam: meḥḳarim be-toldot Erets-Yisra'el 1099-1291. Edited by Kedar, Benjamin Z.. 267-268. Jerusalem: Hotsa'at Yad Yitsḥaḳ Ben-Tsevi, 1987.
Notes: Additional volume title: The Crusaders in Their Kingdom 1099-1291. Additional article title: "Some Notes by al-ʿUmarī on the Franks."
Subjects: Foreign relations/Individuals--Ibn Fadl Allah al-Umari



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